Another great ride last night with
Bad Brains pootle crew (res raid, morley). The wind was high and the tracks were dry (ish) and overall I am feeling a good sense of fitness on my bike.
It looks like we have teams sorted for mountain mayhem this year and I have managed to talk myself into taking part in some of the merida marathons, first one in April. So…training is now a must…but…
…just been to an Osteopath today. Bloody hell…what an experience, for those who have had the ‘pleasure’ you will know what I mean when I say it doesn’t feel natural what those guy’s do to you! I have had a back problem for a while now and typically whilst sitting in the waiting room for Dr. TearYourBackInTwo the problem seemed to miraculously disappear! Anyway, a ½ hour consultation and wrestle has subsequently ‘popped’ something back to where it should be and landed me with a week off the bike. ‘A week off the bike’…nightmare, that’s like locking up Jimmy Savilles track suit and cigar wardrobe and keeping the key for a week.
So, onto
wiggle and I now have a turbo trainer on its way to me. I have had the idea of purchasing one for a while and this has just helped me get my arse into gear to get one. So give it a day or so and my garden shed will not have seen so much sweaty, leg spinning, lycra action. I will report on the turbo trainer of choice once I have it and it is set up in front of the TV.
As for now, 3 days holiday off work, which I am going to use to do a lot of nothing other than trying to stop my back from going back to where it should not be. Hope the turbo trainer turns up quickly…