Sunday, 22 February 2009
early morning peaks
9.30am...set off walking, this gives me enough time to get up, get my things together and head off for a very early morning ride up Cutgate before I swap lycra for woolly socks.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
The first of the off road showed excellent signs of the frozen ground which lay ahead. The snow and sub zero conditions do have their merits.
The bridleway which brings you out to Rogerthorpe Manor usually has its fair share of puddles on a good day and these, today, were frozen solid, well almost all of them. Every time I let my wheels go atop the ice, it set me off thinking "will it, won't it?" It was only very occasionally that the ice failed me and sent my rear wheel crashing into whatever lay beneath. After hitting a few and been let down by more and more I opted for the meandering journey around the ice which probably made the length of this bridleway twice as long as normal.
The climb up to Upton water tower presented the most snow on this ride which made the climb just that little bit harder but ever more rewarding. A quick stop to take a picture and before the cold air could make its way into my many layers I was just as quickly back in the saddle to complete the climb.
From Upton I opted for the track which eventually brings you out to the Hemsworth bypass. On a section of this route there is a very short and not that steep a climb onto a bridge which takes you over the railway. This also was ice and snow covered and to my disapointment I spun out about two thirds of the way up. The dog walker stood on top, watching me with no doubt sheer amusement proceeded to ask "is it a bit slippy"?!! The whole bridge was covered in snow and ice!! But, rather than come back with a smart arse wise crack I carried on with a "good morning".
Before I could get to the road I was struck down with a rear puncture...time for a quick pit stop. Well, removing the wheel and tube was quick but getting rid of the stubborn thorn wedged in my tyre was not as equally quick. Why does this happen when it is freezing.
Bike assembled I continued on the final off road section and chose to ride the rest of the outing mainly on tarmac to try and allow me to put some effort in without worrying about slipping and breaking something.
Back home and all that was left to do was have a cup of tea, get in to my bike washing wellie's and turn the hose pipe on...only the hose pipe was frozen solid too!!
Thursday, 5 February 2009
only by the night
Tuesday night this week was a great ride out in the snow...2 ½ hrs and a grand total of around 7 miles covered...not one of our better distances, but it was great fun all the same. It was a long day at work trying to suppress the excitement of been able to play out in the snow that evening, in fact the best covering of snow I had seen in a long time and my excitement was not disappointed.
However, 1 snow ride and 1 frozen bike in a week I felt was enough and decided to take the training to my fitness suite...the garage...the cold garage!
Tonight’s training went well, my fitness is feeling good at the moment, if only I could shed some unwanted pounds I would be much happier..and probably just that bit quicker on the bike.
As usual, I had the TV in front for something to stare at and my earphones plugged in blaring some fast tempo music into my perspiring head. Tonight’s musical talents came to me courtesy of Kings of Leon, ‘Only by the night’ album. What a great choice, the tempo seemed to fit perfectly to the pyramid training I was putting my body through and the length was also about perfect.
That, I am sure, will be staying number one choice for a while