Sunday, 9 March 2008

a muddy Wharncliffe...

...and that it was, a complete mudfest, but good fun and good training all the same.
The red route it was to be today, the first time I have ridden in Wharncliffe for a while and those trial builders certainly have been busy. The first 3 sections (all singletrack) of the red have potential to be very good, the first section today was all rideable, the second section which is nice and rocky was a nightmare in the wet/mud.

Once through the singletrack introduction it brings you to one of the many fire roads which cut through the woods in every direction. From this point the views were excellent, especially for a forcasted wet and windy day! I know I should never trust www.havn' !!

The whole of the red route is very well signposted throughout. I never saw much evidence of the black route, even some sections which I knew to be the black route were not marked. The red route is good, if a little short, but for a route which keeps you in the woods the whole time it is excellent...and can go round as many times as you want you know!! I did 2 loops today which totalled around 14 miles, with an average speed of just over 7mph. That just proves what some of the terrain is like.
The uphills are still as good as I remember, nice and long with good rewards at the end! Some of the fire roads have been laid with aggregate which is a bit loose in places.

All in all a good ride, nice and quick (in places!) but I think I will leave it for a while and try again in the less muddy conditions...I'll be back!

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